Tomb And More cl-vote

Thu Aug 27, 2020

So apparently, there's no bcrypt implementation for Common Lisp. There's an ffi wrapper which isn't in quicklisp, but that's all I could find. Which is mildly annoying, because as mentioned last time, I need to store tokens basically the same way I would store passwords. There doesn't seem to be anything similar at a cursory glance, although it's always possible I missed something.

Oh well.

According to the Wikipedia article pseudocode, it looks like the essence of the algorithm is

And the end result is a sufficiently one-way function that lets you store some string to compare with input later without actually keeping that string on file.



I preface this by saying that I am not a crypto nerd. Probably don't use this in production anywhere, and definitely don't use it anywhere security is an actual concern. I'm not aware of a way to back out the initial plaintext, but you should take Schneier's advice about what to think of that.

That being said, I've got this toy project with a bcrypt-shaped hole in its :depends-on list, and I may as well try something.

;;;; src/tomb.lisp
(in-package #:tomb)

(defparameter *gen* (session-token:make-generator :token-length 16))

(defun entomb (string &key (salt (funcall *gen*)) (cost 10) (cipher-name :blowfish))
  (let* ((arr (ironclad:ascii-string-to-byte-array (concatenate 'string string salt)))
	 (initial-hash (hash-for-tomb arr cipher-name))
	 (cipher (ironclad:make-cipher cipher-name :key initial-hash  :mode :ecb))
	 (output (make-sequence '(SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) (*)) (length initial-hash))))
    (ironclad:encrypt cipher initial-hash output)
    (loop repeat (expt 2 cost)
       do (ironclad:encrypt-in-place
	   (ironclad:make-cipher cipher-name :key output :mode :ecb)
    (format nil "$0w$~a$~a$~a$~a"
	    (ironclad:byte-array-to-hex-string output))))

(defun hash-for-tomb (arr cipher-name)
   (case cipher-name
     (:threefish512 :sha512)
     (:threefish1024 :skein1024)
     (t :sha256))

(defun tomb-matches? (string hashed)
  (destructuring-bind (name cipher-name cost salt hash) (split-sequence:split-sequence #\$ hashed :remove-empty-subseqs t)
    (declare (ignore hash))
    (assert (string= name "0w"))
    (let ((cost (parse-integer cost))
	  (cipher-name (intern cipher-name :keyword)))
      (string= (entomb string :salt salt :cost cost :cipher-name cipher-name) hashed))))

Principles first.

  1. Sane defaults - We don't want to make the user1 do any more work than they have to. Which means that the minimal call to the top level interface should be something that goes String -> String rather than needing the user to generate their own salt, specify a cipher or do any type conversions.
  2. Flexible implementation - We shouldn't assume a particular salting strategy, input size, or cipher. We need to limit ourselves to ECB mode, because changing that is deep magic that I'm not getting anywhere near without a deeper understanding.
  3. Use Crypto Primitives - Speaking of deep magic, we're not writing anything ourselves from the bytes up. ironclad is a thing, and it works well if sometimes counter-intuitively, and I fully intend to take advantage.

With that out of the way, here's tomb, which is sort of like crypt.

(defun entomb (string &key (salt (funcall *gen*)) (cost 10) (cipher-name :blowfish))
  (let* ((arr (ironclad:ascii-string-to-byte-array (concatenate 'string string salt)))
	 (initial-hash (hash-for-tomb arr cipher-name))
	 (cipher (ironclad:make-cipher cipher-name :key initial-hash  :mode :ecb))
	 (output (make-sequence '(SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) (*)) (length initial-hash))))
    (ironclad:encrypt cipher initial-hash output)
    (loop repeat (expt 2 cost)
       do (ironclad:encrypt-in-place
	   (ironclad:make-cipher cipher-name :key output :mode :ecb)
    (format nil "$0w$~a$~a$~a$~a"
	    (ironclad:byte-array-to-hex-string output))))

The core function is entomb. It takes a string (your password/passphrase), and optionally also salt, cost and cipher-name. If you don't pass in any of those, it chooses sane defaults, including using session-token/cl-isaac to generate a secure random salt value.

The first thing we do is concatenate the string and salt values, convert the result to an ironclad byte-array, then hash it. Hashing it using some secure digest method that produces the appropriate number of bytes to be used as a key for the chosen cipher.

(defun hash-for-tomb (arr cipher-name)
   (case cipher-name
     (:threefish512 :sha512)
     (:threefish1024 :skein1024)
     (t :sha256))

It looks like sha256 is good enough for most of the ECB capable ciphers in ironclad, but threefish512 and threefish1024 need larger keys than it provides, so we use other approaches when using those ciphers. I don't want to make it too easy to use weaker ciphers, so I don't bother using hashes that result in keys smaller than sha256.

	 (cipher (ironclad:make-cipher cipher-name :key initial-hash  :mode :ecb))
	 (output (make-sequence '(SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) (*)) (length initial-hash))))
    (ironclad:encrypt cipher initial-hash output)
    (loop repeat (expt 2 cost)
       do (ironclad:encrypt-in-place
	   (ironclad:make-cipher cipher-name :key output :mode :ecb)
    (format nil "$0w$~a$~a$~a$~a"
	    (ironclad:byte-array-to-hex-string output))))

Next up, we initialize an ironclad cipher with the appropriate base state, and allocate an output simple-array to stuff the results in. Then we use the initialized cipher to ironclad:encrypt our input hash (complete with salt) and put the results in output. Once that's done, we encrypt-in-place the output with the same settings, changing out the key each time. The thing we're encrypting the first time though is the key (with itself), and every subsequent layer of encryption also uses itself as the key.

Once we've done this, we stitch everything together into a string that contains documentation about its' creation.

(defun tomb-matches? (string hashed)
  (destructuring-bind (name cipher-name cost salt hash) (split-sequence:split-sequence #\$ hashed :remove-empty-subseqs t)
    (declare (ignore hash))
    (assert (string= name "0w"))
    (let ((cost (parse-integer cost))
	  (cipher-name (intern cipher-name :keyword)))
      (string= (entomb string :salt salt :cost cost :cipher-name cipher-name) hashed))))

tomb-matches? takes a string and an entombed string, and returns a yay or nay about whether they match. It does this by decomposing the entombed string in a way that lets it figure out what arguments to pass to entomb, and does so on the input string.

Next Step

This library is now on github in case you are like me, and want to experiment with low-security-but-principled systems. For my part, I'll probably add it to quicklisp, and definitely as a requirement to cl-vote so that I can put together a good recovery token system.

It mildly amuses me to think that knowing that token in this case is technically a "known plaintext" attack.

  1. Me.

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